Monsters, Machines and Mind Melding in a Race for the World
(生存競賽: 怪獸, 機器, 與精神融合)
In ‘Pacific Rim,’ Pilots Inside Robots Face Alien Invaders
(在電影「環太平洋」中, 機器人裡的操作駕駛員奮力對抗外星侵略者)
Published: July 11, 2013
Viewed from one angle — from below, say, as you cower before the Imax screen, your 3-D glasses digging into the bridge of your nose, condensation from your Diet Coke dripping onto your leg — “Pacific Rim” looks a lot like other movies of its type. Dinosaurish creatures as big as skyscrapers do battle with equally gigantic robots on land and sea, pulverizing familiar cities and churning up geysers of spume. Human characters (some of whom are actually inside the giant robots) bark out catchphrases, spout fake science and express noble sentiments as they fight to save the planet. More than two hours of your life elapse before they do (?).
想像你在Imax超大螢幕前蜷縮身子就定位, 你的3D眼鏡架好放在你的鼻樑上, 水珠從無糖可樂的瓶身滴落到你的腿上--從這個角度來看, 「環太平洋」跟其他同類電影幾乎是大同小異。跟摩天樓一樣大小, 類似恐龍的生物, 跟其體型一樣巨大的機器人在陸地及海上相互廝殺, 粉碎了熟悉的城市也掀起狂風巨浪。在人類拯救地球的奮戰中, 他們(有些是在大型機器人裡的控制員)大喊指令, 大談偽科學, 也同時展現出高尚的情操。在你察覺之前, 兩個多小時一下子就過去了(?)。
So consider yourself warned. If you walk in expecting subtlety, or even novelty, you may find yourself more tormented than entertained. But “Pacific Rim” is also a reminder — either just in time or much too late — that this kind of movie can and should be fun. Some of those catchphrases are mildly clever. The lab coat mumbo-jumbo is amusing (?). The noble sentiments touch (or strike) sweet chords. And who does not delight in seeing a robot punch a dinosaur every now and then — or pretty much constantly for two hours?
所以請先有心理準備: 如果你期待進到電影院看到的是一部細膩甚至是有新穎題材的電影, 痛苦的感覺會遠遠多過於娛樂。但是「環太平洋」卻也同時提醒大家-或者是正好也或者有點晚-這類型的電影能夠也應該是有趣的。電影中有些呼喊的口號是蘊含著智慧的;實驗室中科學家們討論著專業的對話內容卻又不失輕快有趣的節奏, 著實逗人發笑;流露出的高尚情操也在在觸動觀眾的心弦。況且,誰不喜歡看機器人時不時地或是更精確的說是整整兩個小時幾乎沒停過地狠揍恐龍?
所以請先有心理準備: 如果你期待進到電影院看到的是一部細膩甚至是有新穎題材的電影, 痛苦的感覺會遠遠多過於娛樂。但是「環太平洋」卻也同時提醒大家-或者是正好也或者有點晚-這類型的電影能夠也應該是有趣的。電影中有些呼喊的口號是蘊含著智慧的;實驗室中科學家們討論著專業的對話內容卻又不失輕快有趣的節奏, 著實逗人發笑;流露出的高尚情操也在在觸動觀眾的心弦。況且,誰不喜歡看機器人時不時地或是更精確的說是整整兩個小時幾乎沒停過地狠揍恐龍?
The director, Guillermo del Toro (who wrote the script with Travis Beacham), is an unabashed genre enthusiast and a feverish inventor of fantastical worlds, enchanted by the visual and symbolic power of monsters and intoxicated by his own imagination. It is true that he has employed that imagination to more memorable effect in other movies, notably the wonderful “Hellboy” pictures and the shattering Spanish Civil War horror-allegories “Pan’s Labyrinth” and “The Devil’s Backbone.” Admirers of those films may find this one crude and overscale(?) by comparison. Still, “Pacific Rim,” with its carefree blend of silliness and solemnity, is clearly the product of an ingenious and playful pop sensibility (?).
導演Guillermo del Toro (與Travis Beacham合寫了這部片的劇本)是個對科幻世界極為狂熱又大膽的創造者, 他被怪獸的型態與其強大力量背後所象徵的意義深深地吸引並沉醉於自己的想像之中。他已經成功運用他的想像力在其他電影中並創造出許多令人印象深刻的特效, 著名的電影例如精彩的「地獄怪客(Hellboy)」系列電影,以及以西班牙內戰為背景題材的恐怖諷諭片「羊男的迷宮(Pan's Labyrinth)」和「鬼童院(The Devil's Backbone)」。這些電影的影迷可能會覺得這部片相較之下略顯粗糙及規模太過龐大(?), 但是, 隨性穿插融合著時而嚴肅時而荒唐有趣劇情的「環太平洋」仍舊是一部新穎獨特以及符合時下感官的作品(?)。
“But Gipsy is analog!” This exclamation, though not immediately intelligible out of context (or in it, for that matter), is in some ways the key to the movie. A bit of explanation is in order, though I’m afraid it will not be as exhaustive or as breathless as the voice-over narration that begins the movie or the expository dialogue that pops up throughout. Gipsy is a Jaeger, one of the enormous metal bipeds built to fight off the Kaiju, horrible creatures who have popped up through the bottom of the Pacific Ocean via a portal to their native dimension.
"但Gipsy是個由模擬計算機所發動的機器人!" 雖然單看這句話或是把它從情境中抽離都讓人無法立刻瞭解其中的意涵, 但對這部電影而言在某些方面卻道出關鍵。電影進行中會依照劇情需求適時地出現情境解釋, 但我仍擔心效果沒有像電影一開始的旁白敘述或是穿梭於劇情中演員間的對話那般深刻或令人屏氣凝神。Gipsy 是其中一隻被稱做Jaeger的大型機器人, 被用來對抗從太平洋底層不斷出現的恐怖怪獸Kaiju, 而藉由一個異次元的出入口從太平洋可以連結到牠們的原生地。
"但Gipsy是個由模擬計算機所發動的機器人!" 雖然單看這句話或是把它從情境中抽離都讓人無法立刻瞭解其中的意涵, 但對這部電影而言在某些方面卻道出關鍵。電影進行中會依照劇情需求適時地出現情境解釋, 但我仍擔心效果沒有像電影一開始的旁白敘述或是穿梭於劇情中演員間的對話那般深刻或令人屏氣凝神。Gipsy 是其中一隻被稱做Jaeger的大型機器人, 被用來對抗從太平洋底層不斷出現的恐怖怪獸Kaiju, 而藉由一個異次元的出入口從太平洋可以連結到牠們的原生地。
- voice-over (n):
- (电影、电视节目或广告的)画外音,旁白,解说:(n)The voice-over of a film, television programme, or advertisement consists of words which are spoken by someone who is not seen.
Still with me? The Kaiju are, as alien invaders tend to be, quite hostile. They are also diabolically clever, evolving quickly in response to military attempts to defeat them. After a long war of attrition (dramatized in a precredit chunk that is almost a movie in itself), only a handful of Jaegers remain, concentrated in Hong Kong for a last stand against the enemy. Commanded by the wondrously named Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba), the Jaeger pilots — who must work in pairs assisted by technology that links their brains — are a motley global crew. Our attention is particularly focused on Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam) and Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi), who seem to have especially traumatic experiences with Kaiju in their pasts.
還跟得上我的腳步嗎?Kaiju是一群相當具有敵意的外星入侵者。他們卻又剛好聰明到令人厭惡,他們能根據軍方使出的策略,以非常快的進化速度做出相對應的反擊。在長期雨水底怪獸對抗的耗損戰之下(大量的信用貸款更是雪上加霜),剩下為數不多的Jaeger集中在香港做為對抗敵人最後的基地。由Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba飾演)統帥指揮, 來自各國的Jaeger操作駕駛員必須兩人並肩合作,透過科技的協助將他們的神經彼此連結。我們的重心也特別放在Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam飾演) 以及 Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi飾演)兩位似乎都因為Kaiju有段痛苦經歷的主角身上。
還跟得上我的腳步嗎?Kaiju是一群相當具有敵意的外星入侵者。他們卻又剛好聰明到令人厭惡,他們能根據軍方使出的策略,以非常快的進化速度做出相對應的反擊。在長期雨水底怪獸對抗的耗損戰之下(大量的信用貸款更是雪上加霜),剩下為數不多的Jaeger集中在香港做為對抗敵人最後的基地。由Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba飾演)統帥指揮, 來自各國的Jaeger操作駕駛員必須兩人並肩合作,透過科技的協助將他們的神經彼此連結。我們的重心也特別放在Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam飾演) 以及 Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi飾演)兩位似乎都因為Kaiju有段痛苦經歷的主角身上。
- diabolical (adj):
- 糟透的;极其恶劣的;非常讨厌的: If you describe something as diabolical, you are emphasizing that it is very bad, extreme, or unpleasant.
- attrition (n):
- (对敌人造成的)削弱,耗损 Attrition is a process in which you steadily reduce the strength of an enemy by continually attacking them.
- The rebels have declared a ceasefire in their war of attrition against the government.
There is also an Australian father-son team (Max Martini and Rob Kazinsky) — Raleigh and the son, who are hard to tell apart, trade a few punches at one point (?) — and a duo of manic, mismatched scientists (Charlie Day and Burn Gorman) for comic relief. Hellboy himself (that is, Ron Perlman) shows up as a local underworld figure, doing more for the film’s attitude than for its plot (?). Wearing dark glasses and metal-toed shoes and spouting Runyonesque gangster gibberish, he reminds you that “Pacific Rim” is, more than anything else, a cartoon.
另外還有一組來自澳洲的父子檔, Raleigh以及他的兒子(由Max Martini和Rob Kazinsky飾演)兩人非常相像難以區分也曾一度起爭執而拳頭相向; 還有一對同為激動派但意見總是相左的科學家(由Charlie Day及Burn Gorman飾演), 他們的滑稽有趣為這部電影注入了輕鬆的氣氛。本身就像是地獄怪客般, 以本土黑幫的角色出現的Ron Perlman, 為這部電影所呈現出來的態度遠多過於他的戲份 (?)。帶著黑色墨鏡, 穿著金屬尖頭的鞋子, 滔滔不絕以類似作家Runyon幽默的風格說著流氓的胡話, 他的角色提醒你, 「環太平洋」不是別的, 就是一部動畫。
另外還有一組來自澳洲的父子檔, Raleigh以及他的兒子(由Max Martini和Rob Kazinsky飾演)兩人非常相像難以區分也曾一度起爭執而拳頭相向; 還有一對同為激動派但意見總是相左的科學家(由Charlie Day及Burn Gorman飾演), 他們的滑稽有趣為這部電影注入了輕鬆的氣氛。本身就像是地獄怪客般, 以本土黑幫的角色出現的Ron Perlman, 為這部電影所呈現出來的態度遠多過於他的戲份 (?)。帶著黑色墨鏡, 穿著金屬尖頭的鞋子, 滔滔不絕以類似作家Runyon幽默的風格說著流氓的胡話, 他的角色提醒你, 「環太平洋」不是別的, 就是一部動畫。
Which brings me back to the analog identity of Gipsy, which is able to keep fighting when some bad Kaiju mojo shuts down the fancy digital Jaeger. “Pacific Rim” is loaded with computer-generated imagery, but its soul is proudly mechanical. Its off-kilter sense of proportion harks back to the inspired models and stop-motion techniques of the late special-effects maestro Ray Harryhausen (?). Even in 3-D (which does not add much of interest), the images are composed of bright tones and blocky shapes (?), like old comic-book panels. And this future, for all the talk of “neural drift” and dimensional wormholes, is a world of tubes and rivets and pistons. Jules Verne and H. G. Wells would appreciate it.
讓我回到Gipsy是由模擬計算機所發動的機器人這件事上面吧! 這是讓Gipsy能在其他新型數字訊號類型的Jaeger被海底怪獸Kaiju打爆後仍能持續發電對抗的最主要原因。「環太平洋」雖充刺著電腦所創造出來的意象,但其靈魂卻是崇仰機械學原理的; 這樣不對襯的概念可說是反映出近代特效大師 Ray Harryhausen那啟發後輩的動畫理論以及逐格動畫技術所帶來的影響。就算是以3D的方式呈現(好像也不會更加有趣), 影片仍是以明亮的調性以及近距離塊狀拍攝呈現, 就像是傳統的漫畫分隔一樣。若我們能將這所有跟"神經連結"以及異次元蟲洞相關的未來看成是一個充滿著管線, 鉚釘以及引擎活塞的世界,Jules Verne 和 H. G. Wells這兩位這名小說家將會充滿感激。
- Off-kilter:
- 不完全正确;有问题;不對勁;打亂: If something or someone is out of kilter or off kilter, they are not completely right.
- hark back to:
- 与(过去的某事物)类似;以(过去的某事物)为模範: If you say that one thing harks back to another thing in the past, you mean it is similar to it or takes it as a model.
- 回想;重提;使想起: When people hark back to something in the past, they remember it or remind someone of it.
The pleasures of “Pacific Rim,” in other words, are somewhat nostalgic, and maybe also regressive. This in itself is hardly unusual: most of the movies released by major studios from May to September cater to the childish impulses of the audience. But they also often aspire to be more than juvenile, puffing themselves up with money and fuzzy, heavy themes. Sometimes they succeed and find a measure of real grandeur. This summer, though, has so far largely been a parade of joyless bombast. In these circumstances Mr. del Toro’s exuberant nonsense comes as a relief.
「環太平洋」所帶來的樂趣,換句話說,其實有點像是帶給大家懷舊,或是有點回到過去的感覺。這現象本身並不會不常見, 大部分五月到九月大檔的電影主要的訴求也都是激起觀眾童年的回憶與悸動。但這些電影致力於追求的卻也不僅僅是訴說青少年因為錢或是一些不明確因素,以及一些深層的主題探討而自我膨脹。有時候他們成功的找到了邁向真正偉大的途徑。雖然,這個暑假到目前為止被一系列沉悶無趣又誇大其辭的電影所佔據, 但這使得導演Mr. del Toro在電影中所充斥的胡話卻也好像沒那麼重要了。
- exuberant (adj)
- 生机勃勃的;焕发活力的 If you describe something as exuberant, you like it because it is lively, exciting, and full of energy and life.
“Pacific Rim” is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). The usual wanton, carefully edited slaughter of untold millions, and a lot of Kaiju blood.
「環太平洋」被分級為特別輔導級。電影中不計其數的刻意規畫過的惡意屠殺, 還有大量Kaiju所流的血。- wanton (adj)
- 有意伤害的;肆无忌惮的;恶意的 A wanton action deliberately causes harm, damage, or waste without having any reason to.
p.s. 斜體字表示不確定或是不滿意的翻譯。