Book Reviews: The Pact
The Pact by acclaimed author Jodi Picoult is by no means your everyday love story. It is one full of thrills, mystery and tragedy. Picoult, author of My Sister's Keeper and Plain Truth, keeps you intrigued and curious. This fast-paced book is perfect for all age groups.1) "契約", 這本由備受讚譽的作家Jodi Picoult所寫的小說, 絕對是你必看之愛情小說, 就像是那街訪鄰居, 真真實實有可能發生在你我左右的故事。這本書中充斥著令讀者感到驚悚, 迷樣般的神秘不可思議, 以及悲劇的情節。著有"姊姊的守護者"以及"完全真相"的Picoult, 將使你在讀"契約"這本書的當下深深被其吸引, 後續發展如何也將是你最在意的一件事。不管是哪一個年齡層的讀者, 這本節奏鮮明快速的書都非常的適合你。
The Pact is about Chris and Em who have been best friends since infancy. Their families are neighbors and inseparable. As they mature, they realize they have fallen in love. They do everything and go everywhere together, and can't live without the other.
2) 在"契約"這本書中, Chris和Em從出生開始就一直是彼此最好的朋友,他們的父母也不僅僅是鄰居,更存在著密不可分的情感。當兩個孩子長大後,他們發現自己早已經愛上對方。他們不管做甚麼都在一起,去哪裡也都在一起,也無法想像沒有彼此的生活。
When Em suddenly dies, though, Chris is the prime suspect. It's agonizing to read about him missing her as he suffers in jail. Each chapter flips between the past and the present, and when the time periods eventually meet, you are able to solve the mystery.
3) 但是當Em突然間死去時,Chis卻是最大的嫌疑犯。對讀者來說,看著他在監獄中努力存活時對她的種種思念,是如此得令人難受與煎熬。過去與現在在每個章節來回穿梭,而當最後兩個時間軸終於串連在一起時,也就是你解開背後秘密的時刻。
Along with the problems of the teens, Picoult also describes the difficulties that arise between the two families and the suffering they experience. Picoult does a wonderful job illustrating the anguish that they feel, the suspense in the courtroom during the trial, and the life that Chris experiences in jail.
4) Picoult同時也闡述了由於這兩位青少年的問題而引發這兩家人之間的感情變化以及他們所經歷的痛苦與掙扎。在描述所有人內心所感受的極端痛楚,審判期間在法庭內充滿懸疑的情節辯論,以及Chis在監獄中所經歷的種種,Picoult無一不完美詮釋。
Picoult touches on topics that most parents hope never to face. It might make you question just how well you know your friends and even your own family. This novel is written so well that it feels realistic and is impossible to put down.
I recommend this deeply moving novel to anyone interested in love, tragedy, suspense and compassion. There is a very good chance it will bring you to tears. After reading it you'll want to find the many other beautifully written books by Picoult. Her style is unique and fascinating.
5) Picoult碰觸到的是幾乎是所有父母希望永遠都不需要面對的議題,也就是這樣的議題或許會讓你開始思考自己究竟有多了解你的朋友甚至是家人。這本小說成功地讓讀者感受到其真實性,更讓讀者無法將書自手中放下。我推薦這本撼動人心的小說給任何喜愛與愛,悲劇,懸疑,以及惻隱之心相關人事物的讀者來閱讀。你非常有可能會熱淚盈眶。在讀完這本小說之後,你會想要找到更多其他擁有Picoult個人風格以及迷人的美麗著作。